Tuesday, January 5, 2016

1819 & 1819!

This is how it presents, names itself, the “received,” renaming the original, “Kitty of Divine Creativity: Infinite, Pitch-perfect…” And indeed, it is all pitch-perfect, the pitch of consciousness perfectly ready to receive the received, when is, and thus is. Thus, as is the original version acknowledged as perfect, so is its conversion, all arising out of the ongoing conversation, the inputs of the voice within.

Naturally, the question might arise as to what it is all about. Well, for one, it is definitely the bout of grace, inspiration! And it is the inspiration, transpiring…universe conspiring in favor, as always, whether we know or not. How otherwise, the received is received, on the day just passed, and whose huge gifts would continue to linger…forever…. And the way it is received…yes, yes…all is pitch-perfect! It is not about pitching in for the perfection of the manifestations—perfection of the mechanism of manifestation—without any reason, though truth is not dependent on proofs.

As the number is received, it is synchronicity, divine, received, affirming: Kitty of divine creativity is infinite, pitch-perfect…and so it manifests. It affirms, there are no chance occurrences, and presented are thus recurrences so that the divine order, perfect, is acknowledged and realized…so that none (and nothing) is treated anymore as random, but all received as the graces, manifesting, all in tandem, chronology perfect, nothing succeeding and preceding that which it shouldn’t succeed or precede. And through it, led I am to the remembrance that any “full-length” scripting hasn’t been shared with all, in 2016…and that this is to be that! Thus, unfurls, with gratitude…that

1819 is the number of odes scripted by John Keats, beginning with the poem, “Ode to Psyche,” the first of the odes, written in the spring of 1819! (Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ode_to_Psyche) To this, I am led by a dear facilitator and friend, a grace, on this journey, as she shares the “course plan” of her fresh (fourth) semester, undergraduate course, the subject, “Comparative Literature.” And to it, I am led on the day, January 4, the day I wished to celebrate the birthday of a dear friend—and the day has turned out to be a huge gift for me, instead…all beings and things, gifts of the Divine. How, otherwise, a person like me, “trained” in Organic Chemistry, is led to all that I am led to? The grandeurs of life are seen through the windows of science and art, literature beholding the splendor, the science behind it and science upholding the art, the artistry of the Artist, dissolving all boundaries of “subjects,” all melding into the intrinsic oneness seamlessly.

The year and the number, is not a matter of serendipity, but of infinite creativity, perfection embodied and in ordered flow, serendipity realized to be a misnomer—yet again—coincidences none, all, presentations of the One-In-All. Serendipity exists in the dictionary, but to ultimately be realized, via the realization of the diction that one is, serendipity is not, the lexicon within courting it no longer. One flows as one with the absolutely ordered flexibility, creativity divine, pitch-perfect that life is. It is divine synchronicity, all the way!

1819 is not just a number…it is an affirmation of the Infinite, of the infinite, which, the confines of the mind tries to defy, define and is confounded, while when is found the self, refined are the meanings, transformed. Skeptic transforms to a mystic…and a mystic, though seeks not affirmations, receives reinforcements…relished is the kitty of divinity, infinite, Its love, without trying to figure things out… It presents Its love in ways emphatic, Its affirmations realized, relished and revered as prophetic. Mind thus shifts gears, and rendered is one a seer…

So notes Albert Einstein (and there are more, than the three quotes shared…):
  • “Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature.”
  • “There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.
  • “The more I study physics, the more I am drawn to metaphysics.”

The earnestness of divinity, Its truth, manifests…in ways beyond the logic of the mind, and when the mind comes out of the mind and reposes to the order divine…resides in the heart…hears the soul…voice of the Divine, it beholds the beauty like never before, and nods with Keats, as he says in his “Ode on a Grecian Urn”: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”


January 5, 2016

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