the heart has problems with its beats—skips or has fibrillations—one is said to
suffer from various diseases of the heart. Yet dis-ease is also felt when one
is removed from what the heart says. It is all about rhythm. When that is
disturbed, arrhythmia is experienced—in any and many forms. That is the natural
norm—and not man made. Hence is upheld, universally, through the continuum of
time and space, with our bodies serving as the space where this universal norm
is manifested as the embodiment of its truth.
beating of the heart (like the breath and breathing) beholds the truth that the
Force of Life is still within. So when you wish to access the correct decision,
listen to beats of the heart and let your decision resonate with the beating
heart. It will never beat you. Failing to listen to it, more often than not,
causes one to take a beating in life.
Yet the beauty and
generosity unconditional of the Life Force, flowing through us, enables one and
all to come back, evolved—to beat the mentality which tries to be led by logic
of the mind purely. But truth resides in the heart and not in the mind and
truth forces its way out always. So ultimately the mind too beats with same
frequency as the heart, realizing that to realize its own infinite potential it
has to submit to the heart. This submission is an acceptance with gratitude of
truth, and not because of any superiority of one over the other. The heart and
mind is in coherence and that is sheer bliss.
is no small feat…as all our activities becomes features of a being, being truly
what one is. In fact this is the step (the decision) through which one finds
one’s feet finally in life, with purpose of life accessed and adhered to. That
is harmony within and without, attained only by listening to the beating of the
heart and what it says.
harmony and the ease is ushered in by reaching and abiding by a decision which
is a perfect fit to the truth of a beating heart that doesn’t beat to beat us,
but beats…for us…
26, 2012