What a respite, deconstructing the edifice of the
conditioned mind, provides, despite the concomitant jarring and rubbles that
one has to wade through. As the realities, of being, the truth of one’s being,
the existence behind existence, eternal, are experienced, the subjective is
seen through, the objective truths leading to and through one’s objective,
purpose of and in life. Then, one’s own experiences suffice, and solely
resorted to, instead of consorting with what the “described” and “prescribed”
experiences should be, chipping of,
gradually but assuredly—reluctantly to begin with, but then, spontaneously—the
momentum picking up by the moment, the edifice of norms and conventions that
bind the experiences as “normal” and “abnormal,” “right” and blasphemous... Blasted are those
edifices, and it is a blasting that is calming, the hammering, of the inner
voice, feeling the truth of feelings, heard and adhered....
A state of ecstasy, even if momentary, watering the
eyes spontaneously, and at the same time, glistening with joy, the droplets of
tears let out, drop as pearls of bliss...face alight with an ear-to-ear smile,
a warmth filling all cells of being, and overflowing...all, experienced...the
contrasting expressions, all at once, is that ultimate truth of connection,
with one’s Source of being...Its love.... A moment of such experience dissolves
all torments, in a moment.... So what, if the activity that brought it on is
not something which is documented...that, which doesn’t belong to the "normal" definition of prayer or the prescribed rituals? It could be anything; even a
light breeze caressing the cheeks, could provide the sublime feeling of
emancipation and completion, feeling one’s completion within, the whole that
one is....
How, one would connect with the Source, how should
one love...are the primal urgencies, yearning intrinsic, and they find
themselves bound in many principles, yet, the Source and love, one,
unconditional love, is boundless.... And thus, the sole aspect, that guides the
whole of life and living, as there is nothing else, It being all that there is.
And in trying to guide one to one’s
existence, the existential truth, one’s very being, through external means,
meaning of being and divine, accessed is anything but that. The edifices that have
been constructed, eons back—and for which, humanity has been serving as peons,
mindlessly—have sufficiently and efficiently, constructed confusions unbound,
albeit, ignorantly, and not a bit of it, but with an immensity that finds the
perplexity of humanity at its zenith, and likewise manifestations....
Creating edifices, and choking the natural
expressions of the Divine, our very essence, binding it in labels, at various
levels, no wonder, would create disabilities, and that it has, and quite
successfully. And yet, it is the magnanimity of the force, that, untiring,
blasts through, judging none, claiming nothing, simply affirming, gently, all
has been due to ignorance, and time is now, like never before, to bring about
this holy deconstruction of all edifices that have been blocking the flow of
life, from within to without, creating fibrillations of discord instead of the
reverberations of harmony for which creation got created.... Like never before,
humanity is being called out to connect with the reality of being
human...depending wholly and solely on one’s holy self, whole...wholesome...and
see the same holiness in all, which is possible, only when all
dogmas...conventions...these walls are deconstructed, reconstructing life in
and as its full holiness, each moment holy...each breath a prayer...life a
pilgrimage of realizing one’s divinity, individually, and facilitating the same
collectively...a thanksgiving....
Yes...difficult it is to come out of those
constructs, edifices of eons...perceiving them to have been functional.... Yet,
at the core, any construct, that perceives and propagates a separation between
the self and the Source, builds a wall, has to be brought down, to bring
oneself to life, fully, truly.... Such a construct, which bears the seed
destructive, creating an impression of separation from God, and thus inflicting
depression, calls for destruction, deconstruction...for the resurrection...and
such a situation, thus, arises, bringing down all the edifices in the mind, a
revolt within, manifesting as one without, and hence, revolutions....
Standing on the precipice, finding the edifices of
eons bringing down the whole of creation into pieces, departing from the bliss,
peace with which creation intrinsically is encoded, as individuals start
decoding the same, accessing the master key, self-awareness, evolution
constant, as self-referral is constantly on, everything starts falling into its
place, by felling all that which blocks the place. Hence, evolution,
revolutionary intrinsically, brings down the edifices that threaten to bring
down the boundless edifice of life, deconstructing the edifice superficial....
When something crumbles, tumbles and fumbles,
accompanies the rumble. But, instead of grumble as the response, it is better
to know why happens, what happens, so that it won’t happen again—if we do not
wish it to happen. As the process of life humbles, it guides to stand up and
tall, the armor of self-awareness impenetrable, knowing, that which isn’t
functional, has to give way, even if that way is initially experienced as
jarring, as follows the healing comprehensive. Well, standing on the precipice,
life leads, from within to without, to this recipe sole, deconstructing to
reconstruct...for realizing the whole, wholesome, holy that life is, beginning
with self...whole in itself, and a part unique of the whole...of creation,
resurrected, realized!
December 19, 2014