The process is always, and
entirely, cyclic of life…. There is no other way to it, and thus, many a time,
realizations happen seemingly in a roundabout fashion. Realizations, are
fashioned in all ways, ways thus myriad and roundabout, too, as life is all
about realizations, realizing all that is…our being, and thus all that there
is…. There are bouts of revelations, and then, steady stream, leaving no room
for any doubt, whatsoever, about what it is all about!
That, which we appreciate,
appreciates…grows…. And that which we share, grows, too, as by sharing we
appreciate, acknowledge it…. It depreciates not, rather, precipitates the
richness intrinsic, when the same is appreciated: the unique creation that we
are, imbued with unique creativity. It
is like fanning the fire, giving expression to the richness, while stoking and
choking it is, when is repressed….
Appreciation, encouragement,
crystallizes the unseen and even the unimagined, brilliance, the eternal
inheritance, the essence of being…. And the ultimate appreciation, and that
which essentially matters, is self-appreciation, as the journey is of
self-realization. Though, till one is unaware of self, external appreciations
and criticisms do matter. But with maturity, self-awareness, even when the
appreciations are not forthcoming, from the external, and even when they are,
the matter real is made material, self, realized—detached completely from both
criticisms and appreciations alike….
Appreciation it is of the fact that
no two are alike, as each “piece” is unique, and thus, appreciative of self, so
is one of all…and instead of acrimony, it is harmony…and, even the hailed, “mutual
admiration society,” transforms, as transcends to “mutually appreciative
humanity”…. The transition, from mutual admiration society to mutually
appreciative humanity, happens, stepping into the appreciation of uniqueness,
of being, and thus, of all….
Life is realized to be
“happening,” humanity thriving, consciously utilizing the natural reciprocity: the
mechanism behind life’s functioning. Divinity realized, within, precipitates en masse realization of the same….
Humanity, appreciating divinity, appreciates, realizes, en masse, the intrinsic divinity….
March 26, 2015