Wednesday, August 9, 2017

When “away” and “after” become “synonyms”

When the paradigm of living changes, living rendered inside-out, everything, every meaning and answer searched and found within, none and nothing is hauled, as every meaning is overhauled, thinking turned inward, one rendered introspective. It is during such a session involving a few moments—unbeknownst—that received is the momentary flash, the flash blessing with the clarity through its inherent light. Revealed is the no longer concealed: When and thus how, “away” and “after” are rendered “synonyms.”

Maybe, when faced with the contradictions, yearning to experience one’s truth and commitment, yet faced with the so-called contrasts, one wakes up to the answers as one rakes up the queries. Mind matters, as what the mind attends to, with persistence, materializes. No wonder, The Buddha’s findings revolve around mindful living, wherein the mind is full with the heart’s knowing, the mind residing outside the mind, finding the perfect abode in the heart…

In such a moment of deep query, knowing well the contradictions have been created by me, as I sought the reasons behind creating the created, blessed I am with the revelation—and yet again I am enamored by the magnanimity of the words, infinitely flexible. As the revelation dawned, its rays emanated, explaining itself: What we run after, we keep running after, as it remains elusive. Why? Because, through this “running after” we are conveying to the universe a lack and the universe responds in kind, as it is absolutely kind, unwavering its reciprocity. At the same time, what we run away from, grips us, as by this “running away from,” we project a fear, a shortfall in trust, which the universe manifests, as it never falls short of delivering the projected with persistence.

And this proceeds to unfurl the wisdom, bliss in: “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
And yet again, it leads to the affirmation of “synony-mity,” in “dynamism” and “stillness!” We strive for the intrinsic bliss, flowing as one with Life Force that courses through us and brings us to form, undeterred by the weather in the mind and outside, knowing: The mind too calms. It is about accessing that place within, the “core,” the “kernel” of stillness, being still yet dynamic, in flow as the dynamism of truth, fully surrendered to the sole “ism,” of Oneness with the Whole, the Life Force, which, with Its Presence within, ensures: Ultimately, neither do we run after anything nor do we run away from anything, fully trusting our very coming to form as Its Word of Deliverance, each one of us, Its Ward of Love!

Thus is presented: When and how, “after” and “away” are rendered synonyms.


August 9, 2017