Thursday, March 19, 2015

Why, the teacher appears only when the student is ready?

Recurrently, and that, too, a frequent recurrence…is the utterance, not without reason though, as nothing is so: “The teacher appears when the student is ready.” It is not a myth, though, when the appearance is, it is not expected, and many a time, mystical, surreal, but the reality undeniable….

Such are the presentations of life…yet, drawn by life, within…

This observation, as serves its purpose, the query, too, does… The query was evoked, “Why, the teacher appears only when the student is ready?” when it was…and today, reading a beautiful post by a friend, Vijay Nallawala, “The 3 i’s of an Icon” (, the evoked comment, appreciation, is found to contain the following, as a part of it: "‘When the student is ready, the teacher appears.’ And so it is, as one we are at source, each manifestation, thus, a manifestation of a level of our consciousness, and hence, as the healer as well as the healed, as the teacher as well as the taught... It is all drawn individually, mutually...and collectively...presenting the awe-inspiring presentations!”

The answer that was received and noted, finds itself shared, too….thus…and thus, delivers this post, too…and all is, yes, a matter of readiness, a matter of synchronicity. All is present, in and as the consciousness, as the one universal energy blanket. It is just that the receptivity to it, gives it its identity, in the way, “form” it is ready to be received, to serve its purpose…. Why didn’t this post come out before it does…or why didn’t it wait for a latter moment? And so it stands true, when it comes to reading it…

The same mechanism it is always, and so has been received the infinite blessing, Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God…and all, that has been realized…received…and is being, and will be….

It is all about resonance…matching of vibes, as all is energy…be it the thoughts…the things…the beings… All is and are energy, expressing itself...and thus are received revelations, too…in sublime moments of receptivity, to the Source of being—the universal energy of creation—receiving thus, the received, with and as sparking clarity.

Of course, experiences vary, each and all unique, and generalization is the option that leaves us with limited options, while the ensemble is unlimited. Hence, would simply and humbly note, I agree with the adage as well as the received answer—and thus, shared—as that is the experience, and the same gets added force, as is reinforced, life’s synchronicities a fact, an awe-inspiring fact…. But, please don’t believe in it as a fact, so long it is not so for you. So long it is not so, it remains so-called for you! That is the beauty of truth…

March 19, 2015