Truth has its ways, unconfined to possibilities, as
Mark Twain says: “Truth is stranger than fiction, but that is because Fiction
is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” And thus, saw, George
Bernard Shaw, how Truth saws through
the superficialities and gets ridiculed and ostracized, initially: “All great
truths begin as blasphemies.”
Truth is unperturbed, as is totally detached—could
be called indifferent too—from what comes Its way, and ensures that It presents
Itself, come what way! The reception to It elevates as the perception elevates,
as reception is determined by the
level of perception. Or is it dependent
on…or is to subjugate to…or… Well,
well, this is what Truth tells: “All is relative, on this physical plane. All is
contextual. Change the perceiver and changes even the meaning of Truth.” Truth echoes Shakespeare: “As you like it.” Truth
is infinitely flexible!
Little did I know, yet again, that I would be led to this scripting! Or is it, driven to? Or it is pulled to? Well, matters not! Grateful I am, as I find called to it…and it is graciousness of
Truth that ensures that it is attended and grows the initially received. Unwavering
is the reciprocity of Life Eternal—another aspect of Truth, Sole and Infinite,
all at once! The principle of reciprocity falters not: The sown is reaped, the intention meets with manifestation, when
devoted is the attention, even the attention ensured by Truth!
Truth’s ways myriad, I got led to: “The shepherd
drives the wolf from the sheep for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his
liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of
liberty.” Abraham Lincoln it is, relaying the Truth, that all is relative, relayed
by the daily, The Times of India, Kolkata,
dated November 10, 2016. It is found in the space allocated: “Sacredspace.” Indeed! Everything and everyone
is in place perfect, as Albert Einstein says, E = mc2, the sown,
reaped…each, unique, energy materialized, uniquely. But we fight for the supremacy
of our Truth. Knowing not the
magnanimity of Truth, Its flexibility, we claim superiority, and the liberty
that we are accorded, how much we utilize, how much we extend…comes up to be
Lincoln’s presentation, as reaches and touches and
resonates, recalled is his another, alike, the Wisdom, that Truth is: “We can complain
because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
And then, looking up the received in The Times of India, the trigger for this outpouring (Truth’s another way of
affirming, It has Its way out always), find the full (even that is relative!)
quote, and share, a part, pertinent to the unfurled
and unfurling, in the here and now, this piece: “The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat,
for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf
denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty, especially as the
sheep was a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a
definition of the word liberty.” (
Yes, plain and simple is Truth, yet, simplicity,
difficult to comprehend for a conditioned mind, complexities are born, borne
and propagated—till are transcended by the un-conditioning of the mind. That,
too, Truth of Life Eternal ensures, as so is life in form: the ephemeral is, to
see through the ephemeral the Eternal.
Perception and reception are intricately entwined.
So long, it is not realized, the liberty that perception incubates, doesn’t
mature. But when is accepted and acknowledged, embraced and endeared, it is no
longer endured, but realized as the empowerment it is… Deliverance it is!
Perception, deemed as the gift of Life Eternal, deemed as liberty, is redeemed
as emancipation that Truth is, striving no more, feeling insecure no more, fighting
no more, acknowledging Self and all, honoring all as unique manifestation of
The Infinite Oneness: The Truth of Existence, The Universal Energy of Creation,
Love Unconditional!
And Love’s ways, are unbound, Its Deliverance,
ensured, as is Independence in flow, as is The Light of Consummation, aglow!
Love & Light, Eternal & Eternally!
November 10, 2016