Friday, June 28, 2013

A query and explanations: on "The Essence"

I hereby share a query, evoked in and thus raised by, Sri. Ashok Kumar, on "The Essence," on the website:, and the explanations that have come up in the wake of the same, in case, any of you too have courted this question, and/or might.

Q. Catalyst, as i know, quickens the process without itself being affected. Why is it that the omnipotent catalyst is not quickening the entire process of evolution. Why is it acting on a selective basis? It should have also affected the other living organisms. I am stretching a bit,thanx.

Well sir, I am here with the intention to share and clear the air of confusion—and satiate the query.

I am glad and grateful that you're stretching a bit, as by doing so, we stretch the limits to access the limitlessness within. Your query is very pertinent, and you're right about the catalyst. But then again, truth is relative, is contextual. The answer, as is deemed, that your query invokes, is multi-layered...and is as follows:

(i) Catalysts facilitate a reaction. True. Catalysts remain unchanged. True. Though, actually they are regenerated unchanged at the completion of the reaction, even if they incur changes in between. But the aspect of time: fastens, in physical paradigm, is not the same in the paradigm of our essence. The realm of the essence knows not time, as it is timeless essentially.

(ii) From the level of the essence we are led to the awareness that life knows only one to move: with perfection, perfectly-timed. Why otherwise, for example, "The Essence" got posted when it did, and why are we interacting in the manner we are? All is perfection in motion...everything. Though this, from the physical—the relative—plane of living, is difficult to accept, as only the apparent contradictions then hold our attention.

So, fast or slow, are misnomers, form the level of the essence.

(iii) Each soul has its own agenda. Who are we to decide what is fast and slow? In keeping with the same, and in keeping with the unique expressions of the Source that we are, we have uniquely different ways of fulfilling our agenda. This, the mind, disconnected from the Source, cannot comprehend. It thus perceives the delays and premature events.

(iv) Coming to the bias of the omnipotent catalyst, well, sir, it is not selective. Rather our truths vary, the true expressions, the true calling, though we originate from the same source. So, the processes required differs, to reach the Source and be thus fully realized as our truth of being. Now, catalysts for chemical reactions too are specifically chosen. One catalyst doesn't serve as so for all reactions.

In our case, our truth, "Who I AM," is the omnipotent catalyst. But to make it operate, we need to find it and put it in operation—by accepting it, acknowledging it and surrendering to it, with faith. The Source, whose expressions we are, is unimposing and unconditional. It never forces Its we propose, so it disposes. Hence, the question is not of the omnipotent catalyst not selecting all of us, but our own selves opting to seek, find, accept and adhere to surrendering to it with absolute faith, to trigger it on. 

Life is created as per our choices—conscious or unconscious. It is all about our access our selves, and allow ourselves to enjoy the fullness of our being...enjoy the auto catalysis...of the omnipotent truth of our being...of our essence...

My window to life opened through organic chemistry, which I have been blessed to major in, and teach the same, for close to 9 years, before finally accepting and adhering to my own truth, my true calling: writing and now I am full time into writing and editing of books. And all is God's grace.

I sincerely hope that the explanations reach and touch... And in any case, I am there always, for further queries!

Thanks once again for making me to go within, and find all that has surfaced, and has been transmitted to this space.

With regards,

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Essence...

Beauty of truth—of essence—one, out of innumerable: it surges and overflows, knowing fully well that all have their own unique expressions of truth and definitions too, as all are unique expressions of the Source, Which, infinite that It is, expresses in, as and through infinite forms! 

Truth of essence, as is shared, makes all to go within and find theirs, there. It is such an omnipotent catalyst. 

Sushmita Mukherjee,
June 27, 2013