- Faith is encouragement.
- Encouragement inspires, by way of instilling confidence.
- Confidence incites insights...acts, which aren’t in sight otherwise, plucking from all that is there already, has been always, with the receptivity just ripe for the receipt.
- Mechanism of faith is multi-faceted:
ü Activates consciously the natural laws of
ü Realizes the oneness at source, of all, with the
oneness of the Source: one and infinite.
ü Materialization is of the energy, energized...set
into motion.
ü Faith entrusted in God, the Source—our very essence
and not anything or anyone separate from us—the universal and essential energy,
the life force, and surrendered to It, with self, as an individual, out of the
way, allows the uninhibited flow of the real power that is, to manifest, in
ways, grander than the grandest and wildest, but not wilder, of imaginations!
ü Faith entrusted in a being, too, is so. But, from
the physical perspective, if one has to explain, then it could be explained as:
When a being is trusted, a being is encouraged...a being is led to redeem
oneself...even beyond one’s own esteem of self...and knowingly or unknowingly,
accesses and utilizes the life force that courses through.
- In whichever way we explain, ultimate is, the resonance, that, it facilitates, facilitating the manifestation.
Life is resonance, conscious or
unconscious, made manifest. Even that, which we consider life to be infested
with, is the manifestation coherent, a belief or disbelief of the collective.
The perceived incoherence, is but an absence of the awareness of the inherent,
the essence powerful, that works in us...as us...through us. Critical it is,
thus, to be in conscious connection with the essence that we are, to make a
sense of life...and for creating conscious creations...impacts. Faith, lived,
we leave not traces of discontent on the sands of eternity, as we live with and
as the realization, that, the critical mass for manifestation is not dependent
on generating it without, but within, and being it—being thus the life force
that flows within, and out—the force gathers momentum and mass, and thus, the
critical mass is attained, from within to without.
Resonance within, is resonance
without.... And with and as faith, as faith in one’s unique self, the conscious
resonance with one’s being, leads through the process of manifestation
consciously, manifesting consciously....
Life is a matter of faith, as faith
matters.... Life is not about ephemeral inheritance but eternal resonance with
self.... Life is about realizing the self, facilitated by resonance with self:
Resonance, thy name is faith!
August 29, 2014