is Free, Free is Truth…is Love, The Sole Reality! It matters not whether It is
seen or unseen, as It is not un-felt, and as It is not un-felt, found and
received are Its affirmations, messages, calling…in infinite ways. Yes, all,
because It Is All That There Is, The Sole Reality…and ensures that Truth is realized
by all, as only thus is the purpose of life in form is fulfilled. Love, Truth,
Is Unconditional, All-Giving… Yes and thanks, John Keats: “Beauty is truth,
truth beauty.”
Neale Donald Walsch Sir: Indeed, Love, Freedom, God, Faith, Word, Gratitude…are
Rhonda Byrne, for thy relay, the book, the
Power: Love affirming Itself, as the Power within all… Love constantly
affirms, each affirmation perfectly timed, as Love is Perfection, Omnipotent,
Omniscient, Omnipresent—As Within So Without, Oneness in flow and thus in form!
Thus, I am led to the led, and when I am…this unfurling and its sharing, All,
Its Grace!
is to believe that which you do not yet see; and the reward of this faith is to
see that which you believe.” ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo (Courtesy: the Power,
by Rhonda Byrne.)
believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all; but to believe
in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing.” ~ Abraham Lincoln (Courtesy: the Power, by Rhonda
it is, and so says Neville: “Faith is loyalty to unseen reality.”
so It is, because Faith is One with Love...Love, faltering never as alters not
The Truth, Unwavering—as William Shakespeare echoes, “Love is not love which
alters when it alteration finds”—ensures that one sees through the
apparent...the apparent rendered trans-parent...sees the invisible in the
visible, makes the invisible for It, unseen is nothing, as It Is
All That There Is, The Sole Reality, leading all to Itself. Ever It affirms,
calls, answers, leads to yearn for It, and fulfills too…Its Word Eternal: “Be
still, and know that I am God.” No proofs are required, no evidences are called
for…each moment, providence, Love, Oneness with The Divine, Its own evidence,
pro-(e)-vidence, realized in the profound stillness of being, one’s own Self
Faith, in the Invisible, is Bliss, Blessing, blessing with The Ultimate; is the
liberation from all illusions. Faith is Emancipation, free from the scenes
seen, manifesting the Consummation That Love Is In Itself, Oneness with The
Divine, the ways transcendental of The Transcendental, Love Unconditional: The
Way, The Guide, The Friend, The Parent, The Lover, The Beloved, The
Facilitator, The Healer.
Love, “barrier,” is a term non-existent in Its lexicon, Its ways incomprehensible,
Its depths unfathomable, Its height Limitless…Its Word, Unwavering…Its Truth
not-un-felt. Thus conveys Dr Brian Weiss, through his gift, the book Only Love Is Real. It is Eternal…The
Source, The Vital Force of Life. The physical lifetimes are gifts to realize
the same…blessing with the awareness of “connections” through lifetimes,
breaching the “lines” of lifetimes, blessing with the realization that Love is
Free from all lines, erases all lines…dissolves all problems. Love heals all
sore spots, leading all to dive deeper and deeper and soar higher and higher in
the Shore-less Ocean and Sky of Love. And as one, thus, experiences and realizes
that State of Oneness, Love-realization, Within, independent of all and
everything, one is found to be showering Love on all and everything,
spontaneously, by Being Love, Being Truth…Emancipated, Consummated.
Affirms Jesus: “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (Courtesy:
the Power, by Rhonda Byrne.)
& Light, Eternal & Eternally!
23, 2016