Friday, February 19, 2016

Love burns all notions of separation

When notions of all boundaries cease to be in the mind, boundaries of nations too would cease to be, and so would, all partitions...of religions...caste...and what nots... As is realized, so beautifully expressed, "We are all one under the one Sun"—when, burns the flame of Universal Love, not just in the heart but in the mind as well—the peace within would thrive without as well. And that, is absolutely possible, as nothing is impossible for Love, God, Life...and towards that Love, God, Life, calls out to all, from within one to one and all, as is All That There Is...The All-In-One...The One-In-All! The intrinsic Oneness, Love as the Universal Energy of Creation, keeps calling out untiringly, and as is heard and embraced, invoked is the consciously Love-aligned, all notions of separation burnt in the flame of Love, which, as It keeps burning, burns all non-functional, seals all chasms and heals all spasms.

Thanked is an elder sister, the dear Natashadi, for sharing the post (on facebook), a catalyst for this invocation…

“The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war.”
~ Sydney J. Harris

Subsequent to the invocation, also got led to find that there is a book, too, of poems, One under the Sun, by Vincent M. Spada.

We are one under the Sun, and that, is realized when one burns in the flame of Love Eternal, Within, burning thus all notions of a separate self…. It is the war in the mind, the arrogance of ignorance, that ignites and fans the destructive fire, that has to be doused by the Healer Fire, Love, and that It does, inevitably, unavoidably! All “isms” are respected, and yet, all “isms” are transcended, the “Sole Ism,” of Love, The Way…All That There Is, is guiding one and all (perceptibly or imperceptibly, but definitely, realized or otherwise), all the way, to access and embody the “Soul-ism,” redefining and refining realism, Love, embodied.

The Love and Peace, that throbs in every heart, thrives in the mind as well, all rendered all-healed, no longer one robbing oneself of one’s Sole and Eternal Inheritance, and in concurrence, one transcends all boundaries, no more boundaries cooked, playing one’s role to perfection, consciously, as the Universal In Being…a citizen responsible of the Universe, the unique verse of the Universe, acknowledging the diverse and the diversity as unique as well, the All-In-One expressed in ways infinite, as, though One, is Infinite as well. One burns not with malice, but burns as the chalice of Love!


February 20, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Fire, that heals all wounds, as It burns, but doesn’t burn anyone!

It matters not how many times one has come across a message, matters the timing, which presents the ever-enhancing significance of the message, with each presentation, each, perfectly timed. Message remains the same, the reception to it, doesn’t, as elevates. It is a constant movement, within…towards absolute melding with the truth of being, to embody, in each moment, truly, that, and that is Love—unadulterated, un-attached, unaltered. Truth, Love, is that Fire, which keeps burning within, and the warmth of Its keeps beckoning, to be realized and embodied, released, unleashed, expressed fully, experienced absolutely. Thus, the recurrence of messages, in concurrence with the Self-referral…Love calling out to Love!

So it has happened and grateful I am to the message: The quote via Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, read again—courtesy, The Times of India, Kolkata, February 13, 2016—in the “Sacredspace” zone.

Gravity & Love
“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Indeed, so it is, as is the natural yearning, and so, majestically, mystically fulfilled by the Very Thing for which the yearning is, as, It is All That There Is…Love…God…—matters not by which name we refer to it. The call is heard by all, ultimately, and whatever be the name, one thing is same: It is referred to with reverence, gratitude, humility, glee… The call is heard by all, inevitably, as the Fire is inextinguishable, and has come to form to be realized by one and all. Its purpose cannot be thwarted, forever, as it keeps burning forever…. Perseverance is always redeemed, and in ways grander than the grandest imagined!

The Fire, Love, within, is what keeps one going, even unbeknownst—and more so, when chips seem to be down, and called upon is its warmth and light, even if not consciously. It is central and existential to being, yet, unrealized, it is hatred that comes to the fore, and singes one. But the Fire, singes not, burns not, anyone—rather, It keeps burning and healing all wounds, of all, all-around, far and wide! The Fire, as is accessed and embraced, within, one realizes the gravity and magnanimity of the Divine, Love…one understands the divine design behind the recurrences, as also behind the hatred… Through it all, one gravitates towards one’s Centre…Existence…Truth of Being…Love, and there couldn’t be a bigger revolution, as it triggers a healing movement, as within so without. It is the Mate, Ultimate, met within…. One sees then the differences as not defiances, but as the different hues of the same Fire, and instead of trying to subdue the other hues, one gives each its due, as, above all one honors the hue that one is, allowing the Fire to burn and glow, heal and light the lives that grace the path of life eternal, realized through the ephemeral, life in form physical. Truth, within, again recalls Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, recalling with reverence and gratitude, yet another outpouring of Love, Truth, through and as him: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Love, realized within, is All, realized…and realized is: Love is the Spirit, in being, in form, is the Fire that burns not anyone, heals everyone!

February 13, 2016

P.S. Acknowledge, hereby, also, the article in “the speaking tree” zone in the same edition of The Times of India, “Light The Flame Of Love In Your Heart.”