Sunday, March 27, 2016

Coincidences, never, Perfection, forever!

"There are no coincidences, ever, Perfection in flow and form, always, and forever."
And thanked are the incidents, incident in and upon the consciousness, leading to the revered and grateful acceptance of this reaffirmation, the Word Unrelenting, as is Unwavering, of the Divine...Love...Source...God...Oneness.... As the quote, comes to form, and thanked is and are all, two of the forms are mentioned, hereby, forming parts of these incidents, in and as the consciousness: @Dr Mani Lal Bhaumik, eminent physicist (Lasik Surgery, of eyes, wouldn’t be possible without his contributions), spiritualist...and well, his contributions, all-encompassing, can easily be accessed by a single click... Another being is Dea Alexanderina... It is her friend request (on facebook), extended, that led to another receipt, one after the other (previous one via the former), and both Sir (Dr Mani Lal Bhaumik) and she, in ways disparate, yet nothing separate from anything, Oneness, all-encompassing, come forward, the receipts merged and thus emerged, the quote, as and from another part of Oneness, that this form is!
Yet again, and as always, It is Oneness affirming Oneness!
Love & Light!
March 27, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Whom do you love more…and who loves you more…

As kids, we face this question, and then, kids are found to face this question from us, the “whom,” relating to myriad relationships. But primary is that with parents, as either the parents ask or others, “Whom do you love more…and who loves you more…mom or dad?” And then, expectant are the looks, difficult to discern, who, is the kid!

The question could be apparently innocuous, and presented playfully, in joyous, and celebrating joyous, circumstances. Yet, it is far from so…as, what meets the eyes physical is an immeasurable fraction of that immeasurable whole that is visible to inner eyes, and waits for its visibility to the physical ones. More on it…but, before that, over to the answer that the kids are found to forward (as I too did)…call forth: Musing…pondering…it is an answer in favor of none as is in favor of both, “Mom and dad, both…” extended with a smile. Then, the child is cajoled and coaxed: “C’mon… It cannot be so. You must be loving one of them more, one of them must be loving you more. Shall give you a chocolate. Now, tell…the truth…”

If only we know the Truth…

The kid stands the ground, no nudges, enticements, able to budge the kid…and gets the label, the kid, of “diplomat,” “intelligent”…and the question-hour session comes to a close with laughter… But the laughter and the precursors are not exactly registered as joy, as they imprint the psyche with confusion, that comes to haunt and taunt, quite unbeknownst…

If only we know the Truth, this question, in the first place, wouldn’t be extended…

As far as the kid is concerned, it could very well be that the kid, still hasn’t forgotten the Truth…Eternal…its connection with the Source…Love…Divine, and thus, knows Love Is…Love isn’t measurable. That, when it is Love, there is no point in trying to quantify or label it. These very attempts though tempt, but when lured, sure is one to experience a tortured mind…experiencing the ruptures in the mind…those conflicts…confusions… At the same time, the kid could be deciding in favoring of none by deciding in favor of both, simply because by so doing it perceives that it would be pleasing both…or it wouldn’t be incurring the wrath of none… Yet, such questions, go on to imprint the psyche with people-pleasing tendencies, choking thereby the passage that transmits the authenticity, choking the experience of authenticity, as sought is not authenticity, the consensus thought to be the determinant of one’s life and living. Besides, such questions, present the difficulty to the kids, which, apparently, might not be perceptible: To choose between the two loved ones…discriminate… Love, the Ultimate Healer, Binder, is called forth to divide…and that, is not Love, as Love would never ask to choose, Love would never divide….

The agonies, that kids of separated families undergo, bear testimony to the heart-rending effects of this superficial reception and extension of Love. So, do we have to put forth this question to the kids?

Love is the very verve, reference of life, and doesn’t play out as preferences. Love is God, The Source, the Universal Energy of Creation, expressed, and is Unconditional. And when Love is presented or experienced as “degrees,” as conditional, the experience is of what Love is not. Each expression of Love is a unique hue, incomparable, and in asking to choose, lost is the experience of the essential essence that Love is…and experienced is pain…and it is Rumi, as always, relaying, with absolute clarity, the Truth of Love…the Sole Reality: “That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings tranquility.”

So, shall we allow the kids to enjoy Love, enjoy being loved, enjoy the Ultimate and Sole Security, instead of asking such questions which, in the long run, turn out detrimental to growth, mental and all-round? Or would we keep on running on the same track, projecting ourselves neither as adults nor as kids, experiencing a “loose connection,” a dissonance with our very own essence…innocence…Love in form that we are, loving not truly the Love in form that we are, unaware of Love…unaware of Who We Are? As we sow so we reap. As we propagate, so and that, we grow…

Every time is put forth the question, “Whom do you love more…who loves you more…” brought to the fore is the unawareness of our very Core.

So? Many a time, a question, in answer to a question, has been found to lead to the answer, which, earlier we ignored, yet, can no more!

March 25, 2016

P.S. Thanked is The Speaking Tree, the print edition, of March 20, 2016 for leading to the quote by Rumi.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Ode to Life Eternal...Universal Energy of Creation... Ode to Albert Einstein​ Ode to Relativity…

Thanked is Life Eternal...thanked is Albert Einstein... As The Eternal vented Its Creativity Divine by, as and through Its advent as Albert Eintein, It has blessed life, in form, eternally...the energy materialized as Eintein continuing to convey its significance, as, as yes, energy can never be destroyed or created, it ever conserves through its transformation, and so continues to trans-form the thinking of beings in human form. is the energy, so is the materialization, as Einstein has blessed with the most famed equation, E = mc2, formulating the mechanism of manifestation with utter simplicity. Hence, how could it be otherwise that led I am to this ode, not on the day of his advent in form, March 14 (March 14, 1879…thanks to facebook and XtraEdge Learning Solutions​), as led I am to the awareness of the significance of the day, as birthday of Albert Einstein, and then, find this post (that is being shared with this humble a foreword)—“How Albert Einstein Celebrated His Birthday,”—sharing, how he shied away from celebrating his birthday. It is all perfectly timed always, all, a matter of resonance, materializing as the corresponding energy. Thus, despite being constantly guided and affirmed by and via Albert Einstein's nuggets of wisdom, a constant source of inspiration, it is on this day that I am led to the day, on which he came to be he.

It is his humility that humbles as enamors, as he acknowledges the awe-inspiring creativity, genius in form that he was: "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." Some humility, some curiosity, some creativity...! And he calls out, "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth," calling out to recognize the truth within, its uniqueness, and thus, uniqueness of and in all, instead of shouting at or ridiculing the differences: "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing [that] it is stupid."

Each, a unique manifestation of a unique vibration of energy, each is relative to the other, and verily related to all. Everything is relative, on this plane relative, and when realized is the Truth of Being, realized is the unique place and role in the perfectly balanced equation of Life Eternal, E = mc2, and acknowledged also is the all-pervasive, liberating relativity. Every being, appearing at a point on the cycle eternal of Life Eternal, appears as and with a relative point of view in being, ever-evolving, each view, a sight through the windows of relative perception, where context forms the text, nothing absolute. The passionate curiousity, for the Truth of Being, leading on self-exploration, transcending the consensus thinking, embracing the resonance of, with and as the Truth within, as led Albert Einstein to all that he was led to, and blessed has been humanity eternally, so he got led to the simplicity and all-pervasiveness of relativity, as he shares: “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity!”

Yes, it is that simple…and the understanding is facilitated by the simplicity of his passionate curiosity. And as he beholds and upholds relativity, he hails the Absolute Order, Perfect, that is always in flow and form, infinite his humility, comprehensive his understanding, Light of Truth, Self-realization, guiding:
  • “There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.”
  • “Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature.”
  • “The more I study physics, the more I am drawn to metaphysics.”
  • “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

Indeed! And lives on Albert Einstein, everywhere, all the time, and eternally, even if not in form, in energy…as the essence…and in, as and through the immortal contributions, his life his message lived, calling out to all: “Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act, and in that action are the seeds of new knowledge.”

Thanked is Life Eternal...thanked is Albert Einstein....


March 16, 2016

Friday, March 4, 2016

Providence: The article “Creative is Redemptive,” published by the literary e-journal Muse India

It is with joy and gratitude that I share, joy and gratitude: In the midst of a wonderful ensemble of divine creativity, in the March-April 2016 issue of the literary e-journal Muse India (, finds place, the article, “Creative is Redemptive” (

Creative is redemptive, always...the very process of creation, infinitely redemptive, besides the redemption, inexhaustible, providence, experienced as the creation comes to form and is shared with all. So is the experience, yet again.... The article is in the Feature—Mass Appeal—Let’s Get Creative, presented under Explorations.

The Divine answers, always, in ways grander than the grandest imagined—and answers even unasked. Grateful I am to Its providence in the form of the dedication of the dedicated and gracious team members of Muse India. And they have even fulfilled a dream, undreamt: John Keats, as his photo, graces, as accompanies, the article. It is the Divine’s providence always, and divine synchronicity its way, all the way.... The presence of John Keats blesses with the immeasurable, and that also includes the recollection of the post, a revelation, shared, on January 5, 2016, with John Keats and divine synchronicity the “protagonists”!

Yes, providence is all, divine synchronicities resplendent, chance occurrences none, all timed to perfection, as Perfection guides all the way, leaving nothing to chance, giving infinite chances, opportunities, and leads to the fulfillments, way beyond the wildest and grandest of imaginings.
As is this shared, also request to visit the site of Muse India (, and contribute, if you are so called.

Thanks to all!
With love and warm regards,

March 4, 2016