Friday, January 27, 2017

Review of Blinks in Blackout by Dr Hari Parameshwar

The title is suggestive, the cover page corroborative and the back cover reveals only that much which is enough to build the irrepressible urge to know what the title suggests and the cover page corroborates! And the urge meets with its “mate,” is validated, once is entered Blinks in Blackout!

Life’s conspiracy, in favor, blinks without any blackout. Even when the appearances are to the contrary… Even when all seems “black” and out of hands… And even when there is a “blackout.” The blackout blinks, as the “blinks” wink!

So has come into being another captivating presentation, Blinks in Blackout—capable of keeping the readers, unblinking, glued, backing out not even for a moment, till the mysteries that shroud, the mystical clouds that hover, open up… Well, Dr Hari Parameshwar has already carved a niche for himself, presenting the reality of spirituality, consciousness, incorporating the corporate as his template. Indeed, he is an advocate of corporate mysticism, and what an advocate he is! He maps the mind and beyond, so well… This, his fourth book, as reinforces, so carries forward his signature style, as he conveys his message in the way he does! His story-telling, the depth of the presented, the message intrinsic, penchant for details…is awe-inspiring. The way he has presented Vikram Purohit, the protagonist! Such is the power of Vikram Purohit that despite being in blackout for the major part of the book, he is the protagonist! Well, for a moment, and maybe many moments, readers, and many at that, might be led to muse: Whether Dr Hari has been in the shoes of Vikram Purohit, whether he had accompanied Vikram, in the latter’s sojourn, the blackout! Yes…there are moments, when the descriptions, of the received, in and from and of different “levels” of consciousness, might seem eerie or creepy. But that passes in a jiffy, like a blink, giving a wink, leading to see the “light” in it, such well-knit and engrossing is the author’s style.

Vikram’s blackout presents a picture of various levels of consciousness that are in operation, in and as one’s persona. The levels of consciousness, as are made manifest, through one’s being…—one’s thoughts, actions, speech—it is that quest for existential truth, that has been presented lucidly, yet vividly, by the author. Who or What is the Real Self? This is the sole query that matters truly, and the answer to it and its realization forms the purpose sole of life. This, Dr Hari has yet again presented via a “fiction”—fiction leading to the ultimate non-fiction, the reality of self!

What more to convey, in and as a review of Blinks in Blackout? Suspense is inevitably conveyed, when one reviews a book like this! The view is to be had and can be relished only by entering the book! As one enters, one enters to be greeted by the blinks, life affirming itself…calling out for unconditional self-acceptance, as only then, the path of self-realization flows freely, every incident on the path, neither white nor black, but a blink evolutionary!

January 27, 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

“Wow!” is how!

Yes, that is the evoked, “Wow!”—by and in the consciousness—yet again, as the description as well as in acknowledgment of how unfurls the reciprocity, the mechanism of Life Eternal! Sparkling are the synchronicities, nothing happening per chance, even by chance! Everything happens through and as the stance and glances that we take—the thoughts, feelings, emotions courted and communicated by the mind, either in communion with the heart, aware of the soul, or completely ignorant of the heart and soul, completely ignoring the hearty and soulful inputs.

It cannot be any other way! Why? Because one, we are, all, at Source: Love Unconditional!

Thus has been drawn out the drawn, on reciprocity, by way of natural reciprocity, and expands, leading to the sensing of this scripting, the surge of reciprocity blessing with the urge to experience the flow of reciprocity, spontaneity sublime of the Universal Energy of Creation.

Thanks to friend Allan Wilson! Intrigued by the richness and reach of the words “reciprocation” and “reciprocity,” he graciously asks what is my take on the same…and that that comes out, forms this sharing, the flow building on itself, by way of, yes, reciprocity: Magnanimity of Divinity, Truth, Oneness with The Divine.

Led to the awareness and acknowledgment—that meanings are what we give—by dear Neale Donald Walsch Sir (he has led to many “things” for the “first time”), find thus, the meaning of meaning too has changed, meaning thriving outside the dictionary, dictionary leading to the essential, preliminary, primary feel of what a word is for. Yes…it is the feel…a knowing…arising from unique experiences and giving rise to unique experiences!

So, here is a part of that chat (on Facebook) with Allan…

“Meaning is what we give! Indeed! So is with every word...every situation...and thus is changed the meaning of meaning too. The meaning we draw too is reciprocity: As is the level of perception / awareness, so is the reception, is the experience, so is the expression. This is natural!

And coming to the reciprocity, the mechanism of life, it is not because something is given, so it is returned...or it is given to receive something. As One we are with the Universal Energy of Creation, Love Unconditional, It Is Its Natural Reciprocation, ever saying, “Amen!” and thus, the reciprocity...natural...thus, the synchronicity constant...and we call it also The Law of Attraction.

It cannot be any other way! Thus, presented is on the way the query via you, drawing out the drawn, in reciprocation! Its Grace, It Is, in all ways!”

Absolutely! And it is received, unasked. In fact, asking for reciprocation is a projection of unawareness of The Divine, Life Eternal, Love Unconditional, and thus, unawareness of the way It works. Seeking reciprocation is a projection of lack of or departure from trust in It and thus, in one’s very own Self. And yet, It delivers, trusting Its own creations, trusting that the veils of illusions, clouds of ignorance are dispelled, as It Itself dispels the darkness of ignorance with the Light Eternal of Love! The Spell of Love is Spell-binding, leading all to live as Its ward, Unbound, acknowledging the synchronicities, in sync with the natural reciprocity, reveling in and marveling at Its functioning!
Mused, within, few days back: “Haven’t posted anything, for some time now.” And The Divine, Timeless, Ever-giving, All-giving, present always, in the “now” and “here,” in within and everywhere—nowhere It is not, as is All That Solely Is—Omnipresent, presents this, via Allan… Ever delivering Its “Amen!” blesses with this unfurling, yet again taking aback this “relay” with Its ways and means of deliverance, unwavering Its Word, unfaltering Its Love, as Its Love alters not ever! Affirmations are constant, and each is perfectly timed, each, a message as well as a confirmation. So is this unfurling on reciprocity…Its Love, Infinite, ever unfurling Its Petals, ever unfolding…withholding nothing from anyone.

Thanks, Allan Wilson, for serving as Its relay.

And yes, as conveys the affirmation, a line in the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, so it is: “For it is in giving that we receive.”

As we give, without thinking about the returns, giving by simply being Who We Are, Love in flow and form, unique, Light Eternal’s hue, unique, aglow…fully surrendered to The Divine, willed to Its Entrustments, being Truth in flow, as Its instrument, all that returns to us transcends even the wildest of imaginings! It is reciprocity riveting, synchronicity sublime! It is humbling, benumbing, enlivening, overwhelming, redemptive…all, at once…

Comes out, thus, from the unfathomable depths of being, from the Core, the acknowledgment of and for the Core: “Wow!” is how reciprocity unfurls, as blesses The Divine with Its Grace, Gracious Oneness, affirming always!

January 25, 2017